Thursday, December 9, 2010

Skull Study

So this side profile shot of a skull, not so bueno.  You can see I've marked some areas where I spotted myself not getting the correct dimensions.  But the next one I'm actually kind of proud of.  Most of my dimensions were nearly perfect and the professor was pleased by the progress I had made.  So there you have it folks, you win some, you lose some.


  1. You did a nice job with finding the different planes on the skull.

  2. There is something really pleasant happening with the dark contour lines around the eyes, cheekbones and nose as well as at the gums that bring your skull to a spooky life like presence without filling in the dark spots completely. And I think it's hysterical that the lower jaw is off of the skull!

  3. I like this skull a lot, it looks like you spent a good amount of time measuring and observing so that all of the proportions were correct. The teeth are nice!
